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Coronavirus LCVi Alert on club activities: Must Read Info


Should we carry on with our club sessions? Yes for now, minding all the precautions (Help Line ) and call it off as per health authorities’ advice on public events & advice your members.

What do I advise club regulars? Advise them as the health situation unfolds and if you need to cancel club sessions, give them options of Laughing Alone Techniques or opt for the Skype/Zoom sessions.

What precautions should we take during our sessions? No contact for now, stand at least a meter or two away from each other, adapt laughter exercise and follow all the other general coronavirus personal hygiene recommendations.

Can laughter spread coronavirus? Not when we keep to all the recommended precautions and advice our members who have symptoms, been exposed or travelled to stay home to practise Laughing Alone techniques or join Zoom/Skype sessions that has been set up.

What are our preventive measures? The above and allow common sense to prevail ha ha, also eat healthy, sleep well, keep hydrated, exercise safe, laugh lots, avoid crowded place when possible.

Highly recommended Skype/Zoom Laughter sessions as Options when the need arises. Lia has Zoom ongoing every morning - check WhatsApp group, LCVi is starting with Zoom Friday Laughter from 7.00 to 7.30pm, starting March 21st and other clubs are recommended to start on different times so that the public and club members have access to laughter most times and days of the week. Laughing Alone Technique would be posted on LCVi Website, FB and Instagram. We need Laughter more so now than ever before to boost our immune system & keep our spirits high. WorldLaughter Day updates would come to you soon as per public event recommendations.

Information available on LCVi Website, FB, Instagram.

Stay Safe Well Healthy, LOL + L, Mahes Karuppiah-Quillen N.D, President Laughter Club Vic

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