Wednesday Blog “R U OK?”
Thursday 10 September 2020 was R U OK day in Australia. We remind ourselves that we can take action on this national day to care and share. To volunteer our love and concern and reach out with three simple but much-needed words of “Are you OK?” to our family, friends, neighbours, colleagues or just anyone who appear lost or struggling with our current situation. It is upon each one of us to open our compassionate heart to welcome those needing our strength and energy, this is the time to look out for each other
R U OK? works:
University of Melbourne researchers have found the “R U OK? Day campaign continues to be relevant and effective in spreading key messages about the importance of reaching out to others and empowering members of the community to have conversations about life problems”.

Let’s not just stop at the annual event but make it a daily event, where we go the extra mile, take some extra time to check in on people around us and ask R U OK. The law of karma states that when you give, you would receive when your time comes and none of us knows when we may need to hear the simple, honest caring words of R U OK?
Be there with your smile, add laughter, punctuated with a giggle and a chortle and if you need a start with laughter, try the following:
Greetings Laugh, Blow Laughter Kisses, Appreciation Laugh, Just Laugh, Open Heart Laugh, Pocket Full of Laughs, Plate of Happiness Laugh, Gift Box Laughter, and if you need more, I am happy to share, laugh out a mail to me. Don’t forget to get my regular laughs, blogs and inspirational messages and join me for Friday Night Zoom Laughter (email below).
2020 has been incredibly challenging for everyone in our world and together we can share the burden and dilute it just a bit with more laughs and happy words. Please lend a helping hand with soothing words of R U OK?
Let’s also not forget to laugh and make ourselves happy first to be able to share what we know and have, with others.
Happy Songs & Quotes to pass around:
Songs; Bobby McFerrin's "Don't worry, be happy" Pharrell Williams “Happy”, Marshmello Happier, Turtles Happy Together, The Beach Boys Good Vibrations, Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling, “The Laughing Policeman” Charles Jolly/Penrose, "When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around" Sting Song.
To Boot:
Quotes; Marie Curie said: "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand.
Vivian Greene, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Bob Marley's "Don't worry 'bout a thing, cause every little thing's gonna be alright."
Fred Rogers: "Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else."
"Better to be busy than to be busy worrying," Angela Langsbury
By Mahes Karuppiah-Quillen N.D, with Love Laughter Light & Delight
President Laughter Clubs Victoria